Rosy Marbled Elaphria venustula
Mottled Rustic Caradrina morpheus
Clancy's Rustic Caradrina kadenii
Lorimer's Rustic Caradrina flavirena
Pale Mottled Willow Caradrina clavipalpis
The Uncertain Hoplodrina octogenaria
The Rustic Hoplodrina blanda
Powdered Rustic Hoplodrina superstes
Vine's Rustic Hoplodrina ambigua
Silky Wainscot Chilodes maritima
Treble Lines Charanyca trigrammica
Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea
Marsh Moth Athetis pallustris
Porter's Rustic Athetis hospes
Bird's Wing Dypterygia scabriuscula
Orache Moth Trachea atriplicis
Old Lady Mormo maura
Guernsey Underwing Polyphaenis sericata
Straw Underwing Thalpophila matura
The Saxon Hyppa rectilinea
Purple Cloud Actinotia polyodon
Pale-shouldered Cloud Chloantha hyperici
Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa
Small Angle Shades Euplexia lucipara