Northern Dart Xestia alpicola
Northern Dart Xestia alpicola
Adult • Male, Banffshire • © Roy Leverton

73.363 BF2125

Northern Dart Xestia alpicola

(Zetterstedt, 1839)

Wingspan c.35-40mm.

Mainly distributed in the mountains of Scotland, occupying habitat usually above 450m elevation. There are also colonies on the Scottish islands and in parts of northern England.

The adults are on the wing from June to August, and fly at night when they can be attracted to light. Occasionally they fly in the daytime.

The species has a two-year life cycle, the larvae overwintering twice.

The larval foodplant is crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) but other plants such as heather (Calluna) may also be used.