Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae - Distribution map

Please note that the NBN Gateway map service has been terminated as of 1 April 2017.

As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.

In the meantime, you can get some idea of distribution from the NBN Atlas website.

View the NBN Atlas Map

73.27 BF2155

Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae

(Linnaeus, 1761)

Wingspan 37-40 mm.

Although very common and widespread in England and Wales, this species is almost unknown in Scotland, except the very south, where it occurs scarcely. It is local in Ireland.

Frequenting a range of suburban habitats, including gardens, waste ground and roadside verges, the adults are on the wing in July and August, and frequently visit the garden moth-trap.

The larvae feed on a wide range of garden and wild plants.
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