Sandhill Rustic Luperina nickerlii
![Sandhill Rustic Luperina nickerlii](/site/assets/files/17131/2354l_nickerlii3as.450x0.jpg)
73.132 BF2354
Sandhill Rustic Luperina nickerlii
(Freyer, 1845)
Wingspan 32-42 mm.
A variable species, which has a number of distinct colonies locally around the coasts of England and Wales, that are described as separate subspecies.
The subspecies vary in appearance and foodplant according to location. These are: knilli in south-west Ireland, gueneei in North Wales and Lancashire, demuthi in south-east England and leechi in Cornwall.
The foodplants are sand couch (Agropyron junceiforme), common saltmarsh grass (Puccinellia maritima) and red fescue (Festuca rubra).