Larva: (Description I.F. Smith):Food: Organic detritus, e.g. insect frass, wool, fur, skin, seeds, dead insects, nest debris and dried plants. Continuously brooded indoors. Some larvae live two years. Outdoors, hard frost destroys.
Length: about 10 mm.
Head: Reddish brown (artists? colour; Venetian red). Mouthparts and front edge of capsule darker; chestnut brown.
Prothorax (T1): Prothoracic shield transparent, tinted burnt ochre. Divided by a fine white medial line.
Mesothorax (T2): Two large shiny concolorous pinacula astride the midline, the posterior a forward pointing chevron. Only slightly sclerotised.
Metathorax (T3): Similar to T2, but pinacula smaller and less pronounced.
Thoracic legs: Translucent white. Tarsus tinted burnt ochre. Body: Translucent, in parts transparent, white, revealing Venetian red viscera in front two thirds of body.
Spiracles: Unobtrusive concolorous.
Abdominal pinacula: Large, unobtrusive, slightly sclerotised, shiny translucent white. Two pairs dorsal pinacula and two lateral pinacula on segments A1 to A7. (A8 and A9 not recorded in this description).
Setae: White.
Anal segment: Anal plate translucent white, tinted burnt ochre.
Prolegs: Translucent white with burnt ochre crochets.
Similar species: The larvae of several refuse-feeding species resemble each other and should be reared to confirm identity. e.g. compare 227 Monopis laevigella.