Larva: (Description:Ian F Smith):Foodplants: Salix, Populus, Crataegus, Quercus, Corylus and many other trees and shrubs. The young larva lives in a silk tube inside a club shaped habitation of silk covered in frass and plant fragments.
The habitation is attached to the underside of a leaf, which is 'windowed' by the larva feeding in September and early October. After winter diapause in a tube on a twig, feeding continues in April in buds or catkins and then, in May and early June, in spun shoots and leaves.
Pupation usually takes place in June and emergence in July. A full-grown larva found on 21st August 2004, which pupated on 23rd August and emerged 15th September, shows that sometimes there is a second generation, so development may be in advance of the times mentioned. (Information acknowledged with thanks, from C. Darbyshire, S. Farrell and J. Langmaid).
Length: Prepupation final instar, about 6 mm, described.
Head: Black (BTS; yellowish brown to black), mouthparts pitchy brown.
Prothorax (T1): Black prespiracular sclerite. Prothoracic shield pitchy black (BTS; sometimes brown with darker margins). Divided by whitish medial line.
Thoracic legs: Black (BTS dark brown) with pale joints. Base coloured as venter, with thin grey horseshoe collar.
Body: White or yellowish white (BTS sometimes pinkish white). Gut may show dull orange. Spiracles: Greyish peritreme.
Pinacula: Pale brownish grey.
Setae: Transparent with slight grey tint.
Anal plate: Brownish (BTS dark brown) with blackish five-pronged anal comb.
Prolegs: Coloured as body. Crochets brown.