Celypha rivulana - Distribution map
Please note that the NBN Gateway map service has been terminated as of 1 April 2017.
As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.
In the meantime, you can get some idea of distribution from the NBN Atlas website.
49.167 BF1068
Celypha rivulana
(Scopoli, 1763)
[Synonyms: Olethreutes rivulana]Wingspan c. 17mm.
A distinctive, strongly-marked species, usually quite ferruginous in appearance, frequenting damp meadows and heaths as well as woodland and downland.
Its occurs over a wide area of the British Isles, but is rather local and scattered in distribution.
The adults fly during July and August, often during the day if the weather is sunny, but it is also attracted to light after dark.
The larvae feed on a wide range of herbaceous plants, as well as on shrubs and trees. They typically feed in the flowers and terminal shoots.