Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata - Distribution map
Please note that the NBN Gateway map service has been terminated as of 1 April 2017.
As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.
In the meantime, you can get some idea of distribution from the NBN Atlas website.
70.059 BF1742
Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Wingspan 20-25 mm.
A very variable species, with examples ranging from bright yellow through to dark brown, and also variable in size. Four different subspecies occur, with the smaller and darker ones frequenting rocky places in northern Scotland and Ireland.
It is quite common throughout Britain, occupying a range of habitats, but with a preference for damper areas.
It has one generation, flying from June through to August, and the larvae feed on a variety of low-growing plants, including chickweed (Stellaria media) and sorrel (Rumex).