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As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.
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15.015 BF294
Aspilapteryx tringipennella
(Zeller, 1839)
Wingspan 10-13 mm.
A close relative of the genus Caloptilia, this species rests in a similar manner, with the forepart of the body raised on the front legs.
There are two generations in the year, the adults being on the wing in May and again in August.
The second generation overwinters as a larva.
- Larva: (description I.F. Smith):
Foodplant: Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort plantain). In a gallery leaf mine when young, later in upper surface blotch mine in a folded leaf. June to July, and Oct. to April. Under slight web on midrib when in process of changing leaf.
Length: 6mm (April). Head: Black, or dark brown with olive brown frons edged black. Early instar; pale brown.
Prothoracic shield: Pale brown with some darker marks. Translucent, so head shows through.
Thoracic legs: Concolorous with head.
Body: Dusky olive. Posterior segments more yellowish. Venter on segments T2,3 and A1,2 dark grey. Early instar; pale yellow with dark grey gut.
Spiracles: Brown.
Pinacula: Small, brown.
Setae: Colourless transparent.
Anal plate: Pale brown.
Prolegs: Concolorous with abdomen.