Bilberry Tortrix Aphelia viburnana

49.033 BF988
Bilberry Tortrix Aphelia viburnana
([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
Larva: (description Ian F. Smith)
Foodplants: Vaccinium vitis-idaea.Also Vaccinium myrtillus, Erica, Myrica, Salix, Potentilla, Lythrum, Lonicera, Spiraea, Helianthemum, Pastinacea, Teucrium, Centaurea, Aster, Artemisia, Dryas etc. In untidy leaf spinning late March- June.
Length:16 mm, final instar.
Head:Brown ochre with black mottling on sides and posterior.
Prothoracic shield:Shiny translucent, tinted light brown or greenish brown with black mottling on its surface and black showing through from head below.
Thoracic legs:Light brown or greenish brown. May have some black marks.
Body:Brownish black or greenish black. Paler subspiracular line on final instar. Early instar, <7mm, brown ochre.
Pinacula:White or whitish with black spot at base of seta. Early instar, <7mm, pinacula brown ochre with black setal spot.
Setae:Translucent light straw colour.
Anal plate:Light brown or greenish. Variable black marks, but usually a solid ovate medial mark on anterior. Marks brown on early instar <7mm.
Prolegs:Light brown. Anal prolegs have black mark postero-laterally.
Similar species
A. paleana is a similar commoner polyphage, but in moorland habitats, the Thames saltings and the Burren A. viburnana is likely. Check the thoracic leg colour, prothoracic shield and anal plate.