Ancylis paludana - Distribution map
Please note that the NBN Gateway map service has been terminated as of 1 April 2017.
As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.
In the meantime, you can get some idea of distribution from the NBN Atlas website.
49.213 BF1127
Ancylis paludana
Barrett, 1871
Wingspan 12-14 mm.
A local and scarce species, occurring in a few wetland localities in East Anglia. It formerly was also found in Northumberland.
The adults are rather similar to A. badiana but have a white outer edge to the median fascia, and three or four blackish dots below the apex of the forewing.
The moth has two generations, and is on the wing in May and June and subsequently late July to August.
The larvae feed on marsh pea (Lathyrus palustris), spinning two leaves together.