Aethes hartmanniana - Distribution map
Please note that the NBN Gateway map service has been terminated as of 1 April 2017.
As soon as a replacement map service is available, distribution maps will hopefully appear here again.
In the meantime, you can get some idea of distribution from the NBN Atlas website.
49.114 BF941
Aethes hartmanniana
(Clerck, 1759)
Wingspan c. 11-17mm
The exact distribution of this species is clouded somewhat by its confusion with A. piercei; indeed some authorities consider it to be an ecotype of that species.
Available information suggests it occurs in the southern half of Britain, occurring on chalky and limestone habitats.
Information regarding the early stages is also not well described in this country, although it tends to occur amongst small scabious (Scabiosa columbaria) and field scabious (Knautia arvensis).
Adults are generally on the wing between June and August.