Blossom Underwing Orthosia miniosa
Blossom Underwing Orthosia miniosa
Larva • Friesland, Netherlands • © Tymo Muus

73.243 BF2183

Blossom Underwing Orthosia miniosa

([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Wingspan 31-36 mm.

One of the less common spring Orthosia species, which occurs locally in southern England and Wales, more infrequently in north-west England and Ireland.

Like many related species, the moths fly during March and April, and visit sallow blossom as well as bright lights.

The caterpillars are quite attractive, being greyish marked with yellow/orange and black. When young they feed gregariously on oak (Quercus) in a silken web, but later separate. They may also then feed on low plants.